Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friends and Geese!?!!

Nathan and I are still in Palm Dessert. Kyle and Darrell went home yesterday so Kyle could go to a baseball practice. Darrell came back out this morning and will leave again tomorrow. In the meantime Kyle will stay with Grammy and Grampy so he can go to his guitar lesson and his training sessions. Then, Nathan and I are heading back Thursday or Friday. Did you get that??

We have been lazy...I mean LAZY!! We are swimming, reading, watching the Olympics, and eating. It's going to be tough to go home, but we miss our puppy.

Our friends, the Golyer Family, are here with us. They have 3 boys; Paul, Andrew, and Joshua. Paul is 17 now...he was 3 when we met. He and Andrew were in my PreSchool classes....maybe that's why they're so smart! That was a long time ago. Joshua is our Godson.

This resort is gorgous. You can see the geese that roam the property. Yesterday Nate and I fed them bread from our balcony.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Let the Yelping begin --- right on cue this morning at 4:45 -- Molly started her pitiful crying session that got me out of bed! She has way too much enery when she gets up -- Yeah!!! - her mommy is coming home!!