My Mom (aka Grammy) is the BEST Grammy ever...or the craziest!! She took Nathan, Eldon, and Holly to the beach today. They looked so cute getting ready to go.

All the essentials...hat, boogie boards, sand buckets...jez, how long are you going to be gone?

Good bye cutie pies...don't forget to put on some sunscreen!
your mom is the cutest and bestest...
It was back to the beach today (July 2nd) with the 3 hooligans! It was cold and windy -- but the boys were in the water on their boogey boards for 3 hours -- stopping just long enough to grab a quick bite to eat! Holly also tried out her b-board and did quite well -- however, she spent a lot of time playing in the sand!! I'm tired and all I did was sit and read! Whew!!
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