1. He was exactly 10 pounds when he was born. He was a c-section baby.
2. When he was 4 years old he weighed exactly 40 pounds and was 40 inches tall. Now he is 102 pounds and just under 5 feet.
3. He LOVES cheese pizza. He can eat a large pizza himself over the course of a couple of hours.
4. He is the pickiest eater in the World...I am not exaggerating!
5. He is everyones friend. It is not unusual for him to get multiple invitations on a given day to go over to friends houses. Hanging out with his friends is one of his favorite things.
6. He gets very upset when kids are mean to each other.
7. He is naturally athletic.
8. His baby blue eyes attract attention wherever we go.
9. He is wise beyond his years...and "gets" jokes that only adults should understand.
10. He wears a size 8 mens shoe.
11. He is a voracious reader and loves classics, like Prince and the Pauper, Treasure Island, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Happy Birthday to you Nater Tater. I love you so much and I am blessed and honored to be your Mommy. Thanks for being so sensitive, caring, smart, and funny.
Happy Birthday Nathan! I hope your day has been fantastic! I sure like reading the 11 facts about you...I wonder if I can copy that and come up with 44 things about Brent on Monday?
Happy Birthday Nate -- we love you bunches!! One more fact about Nathan -- he is VERY FUNNY!!! His sense of humor is beyond his 11 years!!
and yes -- he IS BY FAR the pickiest eater I have ever met. Had my kids been that picky - they would have starved to death --- I am not kidding!!!
Love you Buddy --
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