My Mom, Nathan, and I spent the week-end in Vegas. Actually, we were in Henderson, which is just outside of Vegas. Mom and Larry have a condo there, so we decided to hang out for a few days. We didn't do much...which was wonderful!! We swam several times as it was 100+ degrees. HOT HOT HOT!

Mom and I taught Nathan how to dig through sale bins...

We had a pretzel during our Outlet Mall adventure...

Only in Vegas...taxi's line the curb outside of the mall.

A portrait of the three of us. Kind of looks like we're being abducted or something...

The Bowling Grammy. She kicked our butts...

Check out this form. Is he bowling or dancing ballet??

Glow in the Dark Mineature golfing. Nathan's favorite thing.

Golfing with the flash turned on. Even though it took us a L-O-N-G time to get there and to get home, we had a fantastic time.
1 comment:
We had a fun time in Vegas -- temp wasn't too bad -- just over 100 -- even Nathan kicked Dana's butt in bowling -- way to go Nate!!
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