1. I was born in Kansas, and moved to Minnesota in 3rd grade, then to CA in 5th grade.
2. I still consider Kansas "home".
3. Darrell and I met when I was 17, started dating when I was 18, and married when I was 22.
4. I started teaching preschool in 1998.
5. I color-code all of the clothes in my closet...white to black. I also do this in my kids closets.
6. I HATE beer...that's why this photo is so funny.
7. I love to plant flowers.
8. I never buy cut flowers, I buy pots of flowers to have in my house, then plant them in my garden.
9. I love it when Darrell buys me cut flowers.
10. I have been the team Mom over 15 times.
11. I was on either one of both of the boys PTA Execute Board for 10 years. Not this year!!
12. I love my house.
13. I order shrimp at every restaurant that has it on the menu.
14. I am trying to learn Spanish.
15. I drive a Honda Pilot and I love it.
16. Being a Mom is my favorite job.
17. I do not enjoy camping...not at all.
18. Darrell and I have been on 4 cruises.
19. At this time last year, I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean!
20. Growing up, I had a dog named Cupcake.
21. Cupcake had the same personality as Molly.
22. I don't really enjoy cats.
23. I have one sister, one half sister, and two half brothers. They live in CA, KS, and Kentucky.
24. I have one Godson.
25. I do not understand football, and I don't want to.
26. I went River Rafting one time, and I'll never go again...ever.
27. I have had a best friend since 5th grade!! Her name is Kristin.
28. I love to watch my boys play baseball!
29. I talk to my Mom and my Sister every day. Darrell calls us "Trinity."
30. I babysat my neice and nephew when they were babies.
31. I wish I had read the whole bible.
32. I like Martha Stewart and Oprah.
33. I decorate my house for Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
34. I like watching the show Toddlers and Tiaras.
35. I love listening to country music.
36. I like to drink Dr. Pepper.
37. I rarely drink alcohol...maybe once per year...seriously.
38. I cherish my true friends.
39. I love my husband...he's so cute...and he puts up with me.
40. My favorite outfit is sweats, no make-up, and flip-flops.
41. I made it to my 41st birthday with 1 husband, 2 kids, 3rd house, and many many blessings!!
I totally missed your bday - sorry! Hope it was a great one!
Love you!
Knew all the facts your the best Love ya lots.. K
I knew it all too -- and I feel like I'm missing something in my day if I don't talk to my girls!! and -- you can still read the bible!!
Love, Mom
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