Nathan ended up going trick-or-treating. He had been fever-free for 3 days, so we let him go with Eldon and Holly. They have gone in my Mom's neighborhood for years together. My Mom and Larry are very active on their Homeowner's Association board, so the kids totally score on the candy...like they need it!

Nathan is a hockey player,(he wasn't too thrilled with his costume, but we had to put something together last minute) Holly is a dark bride, and Eldon is an jailbird. They're so cute.

Holly with all of her candy.

Nathan separated his candy when he got home. He got 7 full-sized candy bars, and 2 religious pamphlets...I think from Jehovah's Witnesses.

Nathan's favorite.

16 Reese's. Does life get any better??
1 comment:
Tanya, Darrell, Bret & I walked around with the kids. It was a beautiful night and they were so excited about all the full-size candy bars they got -- humm - guess the economy can't be all bad!
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