Okay, one last hurrah for Nathan's birthday!! We had Grammy, Grampy, Grandma Groff, Doug and Kenzie, and Diane and Larry here for dinner yesterday. It ended up to be a beautiful day outside and we had yummy Carne Asada and Pollo Asada!! I know, we have had that for many occassions this year, but it is so good, easy and everyone loves it. At least I think they love it, no one tells me if they don't like my food. Look at how cool this picture turned out with the smoke from the candles!

Grampy celebrated his birthday also. Nathan LOVES his Grampy. They text each other every night...isn't that cute!? I don't know what they say, Nathan probably tells Grampy how mean and strick I am because I make him brush his teeth and do his homework!

Our cousin Diane and her new husband Larry!! We love to have them over. They like coffins and ghosts and stuff like that. Larry also celebrated HIS birthday! Happy Birthday Cuz!!

Grandma Groff with the boys! Doesn't she look great! She forgot her glasses here and Nathan and I brought them to her and had lunch with her today. It was so fun!
Happy Birthday to my "BABY!" I love you Nater Tater Punk!!
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