Kyle had his final High School Varsity Baseball Banquet last night...it was bittersweet for me. I am so proud of him and the person he's become, but also a little sad that he's closing this chapter of his life. The banquet was beautiful! We all got photos of us with our players...ours is front and left.

The boys clean up real good! Kyle is sitting at the far end...in the vest.

Here is Coach Wooten giving Kyle his award...he always has really sweet things to say about him...always makes me cry!

One parent framed poster-sized photos of the boys, they are beautiful and will hang in our bonus room!

Kyle has spent countless hours on the baseball field and has made many great friends and awesome memories! These past 3 years of baseball have been memorable for all of us!
1 comment:
Ok so I still can not believe that he is graduating... We will be at your open house... Got my annoucement yesterday.. I'll give you new address soon... Thanks for my very cute card and key chain.. love me...
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