It's 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and Darrell is getting ready to head out on a 50 mile bike ride...CRAZY!! It's cold and windy and E A R L Y !!

Peanut Butter and jelly Sandwiches to fuel up, and a cup or 2 of coffee. He's ready to hit the road!

The sun is starting to peek over the horizon...

There he is, isn't he cute!?

There he goes...sometimes he does 80+ miles, so this is a "short" ride for him today!

See you in 4 hours or so...I'll be here in the nice warm house!
Hi Dana, Thank you so much for the kind message you left me about my cat. I really appreciate it. I had to smile when I saw this crazy husband post. I have the same "kind"... he's obsessed with cycling OBSESSED! You have a lovely blog xo
I LOVE working out in the morning too! I am no cyclist, but your husband is inspiring...and you are too!
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