Friday, August 9, 2013

Lizette and Diana...My Girlies!

This is Liz and Diana...they are 2 of the little girls who were in my class a couple of years ago and I have kept up with their lives since moving schools.  When they first came to my class they had never left their Mama, so they screamed when my aide and I had to take over so Eugenia (Mama) went to English class!  It was one of the most extreme cases of separation anxiety I had ever witnessed.  Diana was under a year and Liz was not even 2, now they are 3 and 4 years old.  They are SO DELIGHTFUL...I had so much fun spending the morning with them!  They are bi-lingual, so they teach me some Spanish and I hopefully help them with their English!  They have an older brother who was getting fitted for hearing aides, so Mama let the girls come to my house for a few hours.
 They love strawberries...

 AND we made a lot of art creations.  See that little red thing, it is a new type of hole punch and I loved it.  I am going to go get several for my classroom.
 Diana is just starting to get her pincher grip down and is doing excellent!
 Liz can write almost the entire alphabet and she has mastered the art of heart-making!  Looks at those gorgeous eyes...WOW!!
 The girls wanted to try using my camera, so Liz took a picture of Diana, Chloe (mid-yawn), and I.
 Diana took a self-portrait...cutey-pie!
And then she took a picture of her sister!

I truly adore these kiddos and their Mama.  I hope that they are learning from me each time I see them because I know I am learning frome them!  Thanks Eugenia, for sharing the girls with me!

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