On the 4th of July, we had some of our family here for burgers and dogs...My cousin Monique from Arizona was here with her kids...Chelsea came over...

And my cousins Diane and Larry joined us. The kids TOTALLY outnumbered the adults, but they are all big enough to take care of themselves, which is great and relaxing for ME!! We had a great time, even though we ran out of burgers...who knew all the kids would choose burgers and not dogs!?!

After dinner they swam again and then played games. This particular game, they have to put names of celebrities on each others foreheads and then they have to guess the name on their own heads! They were cracking each other up! They had a blast!

Shawn and Kyle are 6 months apart and they both just graduated. He is such a great kid...and cute too!!

Chelsea and Kyle...having fun!

Shawn and Jenna...

Nathan, the youngest in the crowd...but held his own!! Thanks guys...for a fun time! Go U>S>A!!
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