Darrell's workplace has an ice hockey rink on-site...how cool is that?? We took advantage and took some of Nathan's buddies to play broomball for his birthday. Kyle and Darrell were in control the whole time!

As usual, Grammy and Grampy were there to cheer on the boys and help me...what would I do without them!??

Action shots...Eldon is in the blue shirt...

Best buddies...love these boys!!

The whole crew during a time-out/water break. It was freezing in there and they were sweating like pigs!! Most of the boys hadn't played broomball before.

So serious and competitive...and so cute!!

My El-De Buck...

Kyle playing goalie!

After the game, watching the zamboni. Hot and sweaty...ewwww!

Grammy made delicious cucakes...Nathans request...chocolate with chocolate!

All of the boys...and Holly!! Happy Birthday Nathan...nice face and crossed eyes! Goofball...I love you!!
1 comment:
Kids all had a great time -- and it was lots of fun to watch! Grammy
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