My kitchen table...

Lego people are so cute...notice the crumbs all around. Nathan was eating Saltines while he was building.

Nathan received Indiana Jones Legos from Grammy and Grampy for Valentine's Day. He worked for several hours to finish them. He loves Legos...thanks Grammy and Grampy.
Nolan is going to be very jealous that is his new favorite thing he plays with them for hours...He got pirate ones for his b-day and one little Indiana Jones one and thinks he needs more...love Kristin
The Meacham kids spent Valentine week-end with us so on Valentine's day, I took Nate, Eldy & Holly to Target so they could pick out a Valentine toy. The boys knew EXACTLY what they wanted -- it took less than 30 seconds to search, find and put in the cart -- both were happy and anxious to go. Nate had Legos, Eldy had Pokemon Bakugan (I didn't know what they were either!). Holly however, had nothing in mind and 45 minutes later -- after much anguish, an almost meltdown, a minor threat from Grammy to leave the store with nothing -- FINALLY settled for a drawing pad, twistable crayons and a really cool erasible drawing light-up thing-a-ma-jigger. Whew - that was tough! Then it was off to the movies to see "Hotel for Dogs"! What a cute movie and a fun afternoon for us!
Girls making decisions is way more difficult than boys I have found out...
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