A side view. A bottom view is at the bottom of these pictures...cleaver huh??

I bought these cheap wooden frames at Target in the $1 section and painted them white. Then, I just printed words on my printer and put them in the frames. The Love sign and the hot pink beads were actually Christmas decorations...90% off at Kohls. I think the beads were 29 cents and the Love "ornament" was 99 cents.

The frame on the far left and far right were from Michaels, unfinished, for $1. I just bought cute scrapbook paper and glued it on. I bought the heart frame last yeat at a garage sale for 50 cents and the white frame was a weird turquoise color, from Joann's $1, that I painted white and added ribbon. Easy!

Nathan made this frame for me for Mother's Day when he was in Preschool, it goes perfectly into this mix. I love it so much, that it is usually on my mantle always.

I change my mantle with the holidays...so these are pictures for Valentine's Day. In years past, I have used mostly red for this month, but this year changed to hot pink, pink, and white. I mostly just repainted and covered with scrapbook paper what I already had. I love the way it turned out...pictures of my favorite people in the Whole World.
cute as always...still waiting on my shipment of holiday decorations to arrive in the mail
will that be St. Patricks day or Easter?
love it, love it, love it ----
How cute are you!!!!! A Valentine's mantle with picture frames and everything. I mean, I knew you were amazing... but come on. WOW! I need to step it up a notch. Sure miss you! Stephanie and Zale
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