6:00- Shower, Breakfast, Ready (pack backpack, lunch, and baseball gear)
7:15- Leave for School
8:00- School Begins
2:45- Classes End
3:00- 5:30- Baseball Practice on the Muddy Field (however it was a beautiful day!)
6:45-8:00- Work out at the Baseball Training Facility (you should see the stuff he can do...)
8:00-8:45- Batting Lesson with Former Mets Baseball Player
9:00- Home to Eat Dinner and Start Homework (he has all accelerated classes...NO easy classes!)
12:00 Midnight- Hopefully to Bed. I'm never sure because I am asleep long before this.
I don't know how he maintains this schedule. He gets good grades and is still able to hang out with friends, send thousands of text messages per month, and play with his brother.
1 comment:
If I had a schedule like that, by Tuesday I'd be a mess. Good job Ya-ya -- we love you! Keep up the awesome work!!
Love, G&G
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