Mom, Larry, Eldon, Holly, Darrell, Kyle, Nathan, and I all had Valentine's dinner here.

Larry eating homeade Tomato Bisque delicious...salad, and a Scotch and water! What more could a guy want??

Kyle and his Grammy...eating Creamed Chicken, Kyle and Darrell's favorite meal. See the orange soda?? I bought it at the Mexican market, it's called "Jarritos."

The Grandkids with their favorite Valentine's!! Those are some lucky kids to have such fantastic Grandparents...spoiled with love and time...

Darrell and I. This is our 20th Valentine together! WOW...can you believe it?

Chocolate covered strawberries...

We had a great Valentine dinner. I made everyone's favorite foods and we just sat around for several hours and chatted while the kids ran amuck throughout the house playing hide-and-go seek. What did you do for Valentine's Day??
Are you sharing recipes?
Dinner was scrumptious, the tomato bisque soup delicious, the strawberries delectible and the company perfect -- we had lots of fun and the kids did run amuck! Thank you Dana for the great meal and the beautiful plant!!
We love you,
Mom and Larry
We love all of our cute little valentines --- Kyle, Nathan, Eldy and Peach!!!!!
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